donderdag 10 januari 2013

SurvivalTime Stuff

Hey guys, 
Today a little bit i need to dicuss about the server
It's first of all, i want SUPERADMIN but im not allowed to pay with my type of credit card, so im asking you guys, who wants to buy me SuperAdmin is trade for SuperAdmin+ on my server?

Then next for most the people who just joined survivaltime, there are a few new plugins from the past 3 weeks that acutally really suck, that are plugins like your sword/bow gets deleted when you attack someone with a higer then lv3 enchantment. And you are not allowed to place ANY ore blocks, not even coal ore lol.

Still survivaltime is one of the best servers out there, i kinda am getting bored of it cuz there is not much more to do for me at the moment, but you'll see me online every now and then.

I also formed with a few people from survivaltime a new youtube channel that already has 115 subs and almost 850 vieuws, so check it out if you want: TheTeamMCgamers. And maybe when you are on survivaltime, you might be in one of our videos sometime :D

Oh and Minecraft 1.4.7 is out now, so i dont know if i actually like it lol.
Hmph, I hate the redstone update.


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